No one will give you a death sentence if you don’t communicate diligently, nicely and clearly.
But if you don’t, life is most likely to be a tough road for you.


You’ll suck in your Job Interviews.
Your relationships may die a slow death.
You may feel terrible watching your peers with great talent for communication, grow at a speeding pace.
Your desire to be admired and appreciated may remain unfulfilled.
In lack of this skill, you risk getting misunderstood not just at work but at various other situations and in personal space.
And so on….

The moral of listing the above points is to make you even more aware that you can’t go far without learning to communicate effectively.

I flashed some light in one of my blog posts Confident Communication and one of the key ingredients for developing great communication skills – Confidence.

How to blow people away with your Confident Body Postures

Blow Away People with your Confident Body Postures

Attaining a peak level of confidence is a full length process that takes a large amount of discipline and training. It’s all about training yourself to feel and behave confident.

I have read at many places about the “Fake it until you make it” way but honestly it has never worked for me. Even if you may have tried it once in a while with some success, however, the truth is that it takes away a lot of our energy; so not worth it.

I suggest developing it in the natural manner. Confidence is a feeling and this feeling needs to be practiced consciously and constantly. Practice it everywhere, and too often.

Without any more fluff, let me come to the point and discuss the seriousness of Body Language to communicate confidence through your moves. This is only after I attended a workshop in the initial years of my career, on “Right Communication”, I came to know that our body language is 55% responsible when it comes to an overall communication process. This aspect is approximately 8 times more important than our words. If you didn’t hear it before, this is an amazing fact to know.

Effective Communication Skills

Mind your Body Language

The way you feel is reflected through your body language.  When we are demoralized or distressed, we are likely to slump, round our shoulders, and don’t really make or maintain the eye contact.

On the contrary, when we feel self-assured and upbeat, we hold our head high, pull back our shoulders and hold a straightened posture.

A conscious shift in our body posture changes the way we feel, and that reflects through our body language. You come across as a confident and self-assured personality. People listen to your body language more than your words.

I recommend watching this awesome video “Your Body Language shapes who you are” of Amy Cuddy – a Social psychologist.

This is what I have tried, and taken huge advantage of.

During the day, I stop several times and ask myself “How am I feeling?” If I get “Low” as an answer, the next immediate thing is to:

- Think about my achievements and strengths
- Adjust my attitude by being consciously aware of myself and the environment around
- Align my postures with my changed state of mind.

And I am good to go..

Why not give it a try today!

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Global Award Winning Corporate Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host @the corporate life, featured by over 240 media channels globally. She is the creator of No-Hustle Profit Leap Framework, and guides CEOs, business owners, and top-level leaders of small to mid-level IT businesses in achieving a 25% increase in business revenue in just 12 weeks with No-Hustle Strategies.

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