The Corporate Life - Profit On Fire

Benefits of Self-Care to prevent corporate burnout

The Science of Relaxation: Understanding the Benefits of Self-Care to prevent corporate burnout

MAY 10th I 2023 SEASON 1 I EPISODE 80

You must have been told to relax by other people and yourself a lot of times in stressful moments and challenging situations, but do you know why relaxation works and what’s the science behind this.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the demands of work and forget about taking care of ourselves. But the truth is, self-care is so super essential to our mental and physical health, and can actually help us be more productive and successful in our careers.

Today, we are going to explore the benefits of self-care and relaxation techniques to prevent corporate burnout with my Guest Kavita Sahai - the founder and CEO of K Sahai a natural beauty and wellness brand that has a mind, body and soul approach.

Show notes

Join us as we dive into the science behind relaxation, exploring the ways that take no more than 5 minutes of your time every time you do that.

Kavita is an investment banker / Venture Capitalist turned wellness guru.

A turbulent health and skin issue led her to an apothecary that helped her and she helped them right back by taking over and growing it to seven figures.

She is certified in aromatherapy, Ayurveda, yoga and human design and has studied for years the power of botanicals on skin and wellness.

Currently, she is founder and CEO of K Sahai a natural beauty and wellness brand that has a mind, body and soul approach.

Join us as we dive into the science behind relaxation, exploring the ways that take no more than 5 minutes of your time every time you do that.

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Theme Music Credit

Happy Days In Summer by MusicLFiles

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