With 334,981 established cases, 14,652 confirmed deaths in 190 countries (at the time of writing this post), global lockdowns, nearly one billion people confined to their homes, stock market crashes, World economy on the brink of recession, and all in panic, Corona Virus is scary. 

This is no secret.

But as we all know:

 “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” – – Duke Ellington

Motivational Quote

You have a fantastic option to look at this entire terrifying situation with a fresh pair of eyes. 


In this post, I will give you 7 mind-blowing strategies to empower yourself during this difficult (and scary) corona time.

This situation is very strange and uncertain. Most of us have never experienced this lock down and home confinement. We are not used to see no-people-around streets, and dead malls. And we don’t even know yet when this all will end.

But despite all this uncertainty, worry, anxiety and panic, one thing is certain:

Everything that begins has to end.

While we all are stuck in this Corona Trap, we have two choices:

  1. Think about it, Talk about It, Dig it, and Panic relentlessly. (This will only worsen a worse situation)
  1. Use this time to empower yourself the way you have never done before, so these tough times make you tougher to not just survive, but thrive, and this corona experience becomes the most memorable life transforming experience for you.

7 Mind Blowing Ideas to Empower Yourself during Corona Times

#1 Take No Chances

When everyone on the planet is worried about tomorrow, feeling uncertain, and facing anxiety, the good  news is that we have control over not catching infection by following the guidelines:

  1. Social Distancing, and 
  2. Self Hygiene 

I know it’s uncomfortable. But this is the only solution. As we know prevention is alway better than cure. 

Here’s a short video we have created to help you stay safe while Corona Virus is still around. Take a Look.


#2 Stay Distracted

Human Brain is hard wired for negativity. This is why we often choose to talk about, think about, learn more about, and spread what’s wrong instead of what’s good. 

So, as long as you’re taking precautions, and following guidelines, you’re good. Don’t fear. Have faith. 

Choose to think about something empowering  and meaningful over Corona Talks. 

Distance yourself from negative news too. 

There are pieces of good news that you can follow, and find strength to stay calm and positive. 

Here’s a few of them (Link to source)

  1. More than 70% people have recovered (out of about 80,000 infected people) in China, and been discharged from hospitals.
  2. Scientists in Canada have made massive breakthroughs in an effort to develop a vaccine.
  3. Life in China is getting back to normal, opening parks and loosening travel restrictions. 
  4. A Japanese flue drug has proven effective in treating the coronavirus.
  5. Communities are coming together to help their neighbours.

#3 Believe that you’ll be Safe

Belief is an invisible power emanating from the mind and the heart. –  Dr. T.P. Chia

Your beliefs and emotions are everything. When you take appropriate action and have supporting beliefs and emotions, you get miraculous results. 

It’s true for every situation, no matter how adverse it is. 

Because you’re taking precautions, keeping yourself safe, focusing on good news about Corona, believe that you’ll stay safe. 

Out of 7.8 billion world population and 334,981 reported cases, the probability of catching infection for an average person is quite low. 

#4 Install a self-care Routine

The most effective way to keep away from all the panic that’s spreading around, is to create a self care routine, and practise it every single day. 

By doing so, you will not only connect with you, and nurture yourself, but also send a positive vibration to the universe which will then reciprocate by sending good things your way. 

A few Ideas:

1. Create a Physical Fitness Plan, and follow it routinely 

  • Include 20-30 minutes of Exercise, Yoga or any Physical Activity 
  • Choose to eat what nourishes your body. 
  • Add more vegetables, fruits , and seeds to your diet.

2. Meditate for at least 11 minutes ( 3 times if you can) every day

  • Sit in a quiet place. Observe your breath, or heartbeat. When you catch yourself losing your focus, bring it back, and continue. OR

  • Quiet your mind, ask a Question, and Listen to the answers.

3. Cook a healthy meal and enjoy it.

  • Pay full attention to each bite you eat,
  • Appreciate it, and
  • Feel Grateful.

4. If you’re a reader

  • Make a list of a  few great reads.

  • Set a goal of reading a book every week, and

  • Follow the plan.

5. Journal

  • It helps you explore yourself, and get clarity about your life.

  • Don’t forget to write about the things that you feel great about. It can be your family, friends, gadgets, health, or anything that makes you ‘you’.

Related Read: Everything you need to know about Gratitude Journaling

The Ultimate Self Care

#5 Clear the Stuck Energy

We may not know it, but nearly all of us do accumulate some bad energy in our bodies, mind and environment. 

This stuck energy hampers the flow of life, and we become a misaligned mess attracting wrong things to ourselves.

When we invite a calamity (yes, we invite, and it may be COVID-19, Yellow fever, o SARS), it’s a sign that we need to re-align our energies.

A few ways to get you started:


Get rid of things that you haven’t used for more than 6 months, or you’re not likely to use in the future, and those that don’t resonate with you, 

Release Negative Emotions:

Let go of all negative emotions that you have gathered over time. 

Spend some time with yourself. 

Go back in your childhood, and start from there. 

Recall all events and memories that make you feel horrible, guilty, sad, or uncomfortable.

Don’t try to burry them within you. Don’t avoid them any more. 

Think about each one of them. Then, let them go, one by one. 

Recall the people who have done you harm. It’s time to forgive them. Not for them, but for you.

Write down everything that goes on in your mind on a piece of paper. And burn it, or tear it. 

You’re worthy of much better emotions, than these sabotaging ones. 

Start afresh.

#6 Give Strength to others

Do you really want to brighten your way? Then help others achieve what you want for yourself. 

The best way to feel joy is to be the cause for others’ delight.

So, when you see people panic about Corona Virus Disease, educate them, inspire them, and help them be strong enough to deal with this hard time, in your best capacity, and with a pure heart. 

#7 Recreate Your Life

This is the most valuable thing that you could do during these tough times. 

This pandemic has done (and still doing) a lot of damage to lives, and economies.

But, It also has given us a life changing gift:

The time and opportunity to recreate our lives the way we want. 

Weren’t we rushing through life, and the universe has sent us a warming to slowdown in the face of this corona virus, so we look inward, and change what’s not working for us?

Now, you have time to invest on your well being and growth. 

Why not use it to take a good stock of different life areas, and see what’s working and what’s not? 

If you need to plan a promotion at work, or a job change, or setting up a few more income streams, now is the best time. 

Just go ahead, and give yourself  the gift of a new life. 

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Multiple Global Award-Winning IT Business Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host of The Corporate Life. Featured in over 400 media channels worldwide, she helps CEOs and Founders of small IT businesses add $100K–$250K to their revenue in just 12 weeks.

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