Have you ever wondered how to achieve success SUPER FAST, without being overwhelmed, over stressed, and exhausted?

If you want to be successful, a shining star in your workspace, then this post is the ultimate solution for you. 

In this post, I am giving you 5 Top Strategies on how to be successful this year, and be a super star performer in your chosen domain.

By the end of this post, you’ll be able to:

Change the way you look at success.
Achieve an Extraordinary Success in your chosen field
Deliver Exceptional Results in all areas of your life
See a Dramatic improvement in your Overall Physical and Mental Health conditions
Become Unstoppable, and will never look back.
And Achieving Effortless Success will become a habit.

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But is that really possible?

You’ve grown up hearing stories about how hard that is.

Whenever you see a colleague getting promotion after promotion, you sense a burning desire within you to gain the same level of recognition, or even more.

But that seems impossible:

‘I don’t probably have what that takes’, or
‘that’s just too difficult’, or
‘I wish I was that lucky” and so on.

Standing out from the crowd takes a hell lot of sweat, tears, and fortune. 

And all that sounds just terrible, right?

After all, success comes only after long years of hard work and struggle.

If you, somewhere, relate to the emotions expressed above, this piece is dedicated to you.

Because, the truth is that success, no matter what that is for you, is way beyond luck, hard work, and pain.

Excited about your upcoming effortless achievements?

Me too!!!

Before we jump on to the Real Success Strategies that you can start using the very next moment, let’s answer a fundamental question.

What does success look like to you?

For me success is STARDOM with oceans of feelings full of fulfilment, joy, excitement and meaning.

how to be successful in 2023

What does it really truly mean to you?

Take a minute and think a bit deeper about it.

I have zero doubt that you would have a similar sort of picture in a corner of your mind.

Every time you see a successful person, do you think what he does differently to reach this point?

Here’s the fact:

They were not born with any magical skill set.

They simply created a system, and just followed it consistently.

These top 5 Strategies, when applied together, are essential elements of a perfect success system that always works without fail.

Let’s get started.

How to Achieve Success: 5 Top Strategies

#1: Follow your Natural Navigation System

You were born with this ultra special device naturally installed within you.

Unfortunately, most people are unaware of its existence, and no wonder, don’t know what magic it can create in their life.

If you learn how to use it, your life becomes easy, and your success effortless.

This natural device is super easy to use.

You just need to communicate with it constantly.

Keep it informed about what you really want, and it will keep navigating you through in the RIGHT DIRECTION.

Now, if you are someone who doesn’t much connect to spirituality, it may seem weird in the first place. But, as it works for you a couple times, you would love it.

A little inspiration for you:

I have experienced it.

For endless years of my life, I kept making things difficult and complicated. My confusion was driving me, and I was searching for the answers in the outside world, while they existed within me.

Ever since I have started trusting my Natural Navigator,

My stress levels are almost zeroed, because I am shown the way at every tough road of life.

My confidence skyrocketed. I know that the universe is guiding me through, so I cannot go wrong. 

When the times go rough, I am totally convinced that nature is training me for a beautiful event, or result.

3 Simple Action Steps to turn your Natural Navigator on

It’s like your Amazon echo. It won’t help you until you ask.

1. Let it know what you want.
2. Trust it.
3. Keep checking any relevant strong feelings that emerge along the way. Follow what you feel most attracted to.

For Example:

You want your next promotion at work, and have no clue where to begin.

Here’s what to do:

Sit in a quiet place.
Tell yourself that you want this promotion, and why it’s important for you.
Ask help from the universe. Say “Show me the Journey”
Keep an open eye to all the signals that show up
Do what FEELS most appropriate.
Keep taking ACTION.
Keep taking ACTION.
Trust yourself, and your Natural Navigation System completely.

And you'll soon get there.

#2 : Conquer these two Action Killers

People mostly fail not because of ‘lack of opportunity’ or ‘unfavourable circumstances’, but due to their very own:

Self doubt, and

All of us grow up with a variety of good and bad emotions. No one is lucky enough to escape emotional trauma. We all have survived rejection, grief, humiliation, criticism, struggle, and pain in our own ways.

And caught up certain fears, and developed self doubts along the way.

If I merely tell you ‘get rid of your fears and self doubts’, it would be a thoughtless advice.

Getting rid of the limiting blocks that have grown all those years to a significant height by now, is not possible over night.

Genuinely, I don’t want you to be a victim of these deadly monsters.

So, I will give you a few practical action steps to follow through EVERY SINGLE DAY.

They have worked best for me, and for all my clients.

Ways to Heal Self Doubt

Reclaim your Confidence

The more you grow your confidence, the less your self-doubt will raise its voice.

And the best news is that you already have that confidence within you. No need to look elsewhere.

You were born with it. It’s a natural gift to each one of us. Just reclaim your confidence.

Do the following every single day:

Love yourself unconditionally.
Create and follow a self care routine.
Do your best in all areas of your life.
Look into the mirror, and say nice things to yourself.
Keep learning, growing and exploring new and interesting things.

Fear of failure?

Try anyway. Act despite all your Fears. Never trying means never learning, and never improving, and that zero down your chances of success. Even if you do fail, you’ll know more than you did when you started - and you can use that experience and knowledge in your next attempt.

Here’re some Action Steps:

Monitor your thinking patterns. What do you think about all day long? What kind of fears do you encounter most? Are you putting off any action or decision? If so, what is stopping you?
After you have done this list, craft a strategy to deal with each.

For example:

If you fear meeting and talking to new people, then face this fear. Network more. Make a goal of meeting at least 5 new people every week.
Control your fear using your Self-talk. 

Ask questions to yourself:

“Why am I thinking like this?”
Litora primis duis magna?
"What is making me overanalysing this situation?"

#3: Empower Your Existence

You’re what you think you’re.

You’ll achieve what you think you can.

So, it all starts in your mental space.

Achieve success fast

To do that right, you need to GET EMPOWERED:


Train Your Mind

95% of us give up on our goals and dreams before even taking the first step.

And why is that?

Because it feels so comfortable to live the way it’s been going since ages.

And also, we are conditioned to think that success is not for everyone. It’s okay not to try than bearing the toughness of the change. And will that work? Who knows?

And we never attempt. Usually!

But no more!

“Train your mind to think in a way that supports your success and goals.”

Here's the Plan to follow:

Stick to a fitness regime.

Different things work for different people. Set a routine that works best for you.

Many people like to exercise in the evening. That’s totally fine, but make sure to stretch a little in the morning even if for a minute or two, but just do that.

Stretching reduces muscle tension and makes your body relaxed and you begin feeling good.

I have seen people skip the first meal of the day – breakfast. 

Quite unhealthy! 

Never do that. 

Choose what you eat throughout the day and make it healthy.

I strongly, strongly suggest Meditating for at least a few minutes every morning.

Once you get into the feel of it, you would greed for more. 

It sets your focus right, keeps you on high vibration mode, and relieves stress.

If done consistently over a period of time, you will start noticing significant positive changes in your emotions.

You become more relaxed, calm and balanced even in adverse situations.

Make a ritual of drinking a Glass of water every morning 30 minutes before Breakfast.

What that does?

It fuels your brain, hydrates your body, elevates your metabolism, and flushes out toxins.

What I love most about it is that despite its miraculous results, it costs not even a whole minute of your time.

#4: Give Your Time a Boost

What do you need to do to be the best?

The simple answer is - Do the best.

What is the best possible way to do your best?

By narrowing down your concentration to ONE SINGLE THING until it’s done.

I gained a killer insight into the power of narrow focus, from a wonderful book that I read a while ago, titled “The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results” by Gary Keller.

“Life is too short to chase unicorns, too precious to rely on a rabbit's foot." Focus on the One Thing.

It’s a Great Work on High Achievement, and totally worth your time to read. 

You can download your copy here.

Amplify your Productivity

Take a good look around.

What separates successful people from the rest of the world?

The amount of results successful people are able to produce living in the boundary of the same 24 hours. 

So, what’s the secret?

Their ability to create a tine management system that brings REAL RESULTS.

Success is a sequential process.

It’s a result of the RIGHT ACTION and RIGHT THOUGHTS practiced consistently over time.

Make each day a stepping stone for the next that eventually leads to your goal.

A Few Action Steps for you:

Divide your waking hours into:

     Personal Hours
     Working Hours

Your First Priority should be ‘you”. Be generous with your personal time.

You can be super productive with your work, and other responsibilities, if you’re fully nourished and nurtured.

Create a Self Care Plan that suits you best

‘Me time’ is a must.

I take special care of me during my Morning & Evening Self Care Routines.

When you set a positive tone in the Morning, your rest of the day turns out to be awesome.

Replace your to-do lists with success list.

In this world of noise, it’s so easy to get distracted.

We often end up engaging with things that don’t much matter when it comes to our real objectives and goals.

Segregate your Essentials and Non Essentials.

Commit to finish your ONE ESSENTIAL TASK/ PROJECT before anything else EVERY SINGLE DAY.

#5: Create and Stick to a Custom Growth Plan

You’re special. God has made you that way. No one else on this planet can ever match your innate talents, the unique gifts that nature has given you.

Get one step ahead, nurture these amazing talents.

Do you have a Growth Mindset?

People usually get too limited with their potential. They get skeptical when it comes to embracing change.

And let me be honest. I have felt discomfort while crossing my comfort zone boundaries a lot many times.

But that’s okay. Moving on despite all our fears is the only way to grow and succeed.

Your Growth and Development will Improve Your Choices

And hence, dramatically increase your chances to achieve anything you want in life.

Where you’re in this moment is a result of the choices you have made in the past. To have different results, you want to make different choices.

What is a Right Choice?

Right choice is an informed choice. It’s an aware choice.

To make an aware choice, you’ve got to be aware. And awareness comes from constant growth.

So, keep doing the following as much as you can:

Learning new things and skills
Exploring new possibilities
Trying untried stuff
Exposing yourself to different situations
Meeting new people
Travelling to untravelled places

I love the idea of being a 60 minute student every day, proposed by world class Leadership Expert and Coach Robin Sharma.

Dedicate at least an hour of your day to learn new stuff, read great books, listen to fabulous podcasts, and watch inspirational videos.

Done consistently, it will positively transform your personality and mental abilities.

Never forget that your development & growth is your responsibility.  

Jot down a list of all the best things about you - all skills, habits, talents, and positives you can possibly think of.

Make another list of areas where you feel that you need to improve.

Come up with at least 20 new skills and habits that will help you go further towards your goals.

Pick the most important ONE item on this list.

Start acting on this ONE THING.

Keep going.

Rinse and Repeat.

My favourite Go-To Place for Learning New Skills is Udemy.

I would love your Comments

What do you want to achieve in 2023? How are you going to stay inspired? I would love to know. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you found value in this post, please share to help me reach more people.

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Global Award Winning Corporate Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host @the corporate life, featured by over 240 media channels globally. She is the creator of No-Hustle Profit Leap Framework, and guides CEOs, business owners, and top-level leaders of small to mid-level IT businesses in achieving a 25% increase in business revenue in just 12 weeks with No-Hustle Strategies.

    7 replies to "How to Achieve Success in 2023 – 5 Secret Strategies [Updated on December 2022]"

    • Colleen

      I believe everyone should experiment with different things to find out what works for them. For me, I don’t “skip breakfast” but if I did it wouldn’t be unhealthy, it would just be a different window for intermittent fasting. (I don’t eat past noon, otherwise, I end up feeling terrible.) Take what works and leave the rest! My intention for 2019 and the foreseeable future is to “create a wealthy life” and a question I ask myself is “Does this move me towards creating a wealthy life?”. That question helps guide the things I do and what I choose to keep on my plate.

    • Elizabeth

      Great advice. Thank you!

    • Nicole Kauffman

      I love the tip to conquer the action killers! I definitely need to do that more on a regular basis!

    • Linu

      Fear of failure is a real thing, I love the tip to monitor our thinking patterns.

    • Karen

      Self-doubt is probably the biggest thing that gets in my way!

    • Carri

      There is so much power and encouragement in this post. I’ll be saving it and going over it again and again, applying it to my life a little at a time. Wow!

    • Emily

      So many great tips! I’m going to try to work on one thing to completion this year because multi-tasking and distractions are a big issue with me!

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