Take a look into your day and you will find plenty of “already in place” routines. The fact is that the most of them we don’t even see as routines. We just tend to  follow them robotically, without even understanding if they serve our goals and overall purpose of our life.

Overall purpose – does this term feel strange to you?

I guess, it does to most of us because a majority of men and women are sailing forward with a completely lost sense of direction. This post however doesn’t cover that ground.

The idea of stating it is to throw a question “do you have yet to find a true purpose in life?” towards you so you store it somewhere in your memory and process it at some good time soon.

If you’re one in a billion who has gotten it already, then you are on the good path. But, if you fall in the category who is still trying to figure it out, you may still move on by keeping your Goals in perspective.

Create Power Routines and join the league of A-List Achievers

What is the point of talking  all this when this post is about “Creating Power Routines”?

What I mean by “Power Routine” is, a set of disciplined activities that we accommodate into our days somewhat like “habits” which bring us closer to the achievement of our goals and overall purpose of life.

So, the objective is to start with the end in mind.

Here’s How to Create Power Routines

Go into a few years from now. Let’s make it 3 years to be specific. How would you like to see yourself?

  • Physically
  • Mentally
  • Socially
  • Professionally
  • Personally
  • Financially
  • Any other way you can think about.

Just imagine

3 years later,  you would like to

  • feel majestically fit and healthy with a beautiful and slim body shape, glowing skin, and rock solid mental state (for this, you may not even need a year, a few months may be sufficient to achieve this physical and mental state)
  • earn 10 times more than you do right now
  • have much more meaningful and valuable relationships and social networks
  • play a musical instrument of your choice like a pro
  • overcome the habits that are proving to be the pain points

And the list may go on… but we have to put a stop here so we can discuss further, what do you get to do in order to accomplish stated above.

Plan your Life

Take a Look at this Example

You may have a great fitness goal buried in a corner of your mind and still missing out on workouts, digging into unhealthy, fattening food, and continue with your ever going unhealthy lifestyle.

Are the two aligned? Not at all! 

So, now, being aware of it, how about setting a power routine to go well with your sleeping desire of achieving a healthy body and mind?  Just a few changes in what you do, and you are good to go.

A power routine around this goal can be something like this.

  • A few sessions of your favorite physical activity in the morning (or any other part of the day)
  • Honey Lemon water after workout.
  • Followed by a healthy snack or a fruit

Simple and Doable? This is just an example. Create different routines supporting your different goals.

Let’s take another one.

If you want Tenfold increase in your income, you would need at least the following,

  • new income generating ideas, and
  • insane level of increased productivity.

How can you do that? What kind of routine you’ll need to setup to make this goal a reality, within your deadline?

The Desired Outcome is 

  • Increased Energy Levels at most times that takes you back to your Fitness Goals
  • Unshakable Confidence
  • High Focus
  • A self-inspired mind etc.

A morning routine works best to set the tone of the day and insanely increase your energies that you require to extract the most from your day.

A day well started creates positive energy around you. And this positive energy attracts more of it, and keeps doing the same throughout. 

So, how about getting up an hour earlier and follow a morning routine that includes;

  • Some stretches
  • Journaling
  • Planning the day
  • Mind conditioning
  • Healthy and mindful breakfast

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Multiple Global Award-Winning IT Business Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host of The Corporate Life. Featured in over 400 media channels worldwide, she helps CEOs and Founders of small IT businesses add $100K–$250K to their revenue in just 12 weeks.

    3 replies to "How to Create Power Routines and Join the League of A-List Achievers"

    • Carla Natali

      I guess it all falls back onto the mindfulness concept, doesn´t it?
      If we stop and take the time to think where we want to go and plan a route to getting there we will automatically stop doing all these random things that do not help us achieve our goals and focus on what will.
      I will use your lists to help me direct my energy a little more efficiently from now on!

    • Rach

      I really like these ideas. I need to align my routines with my goals instead of just blindly going through the days and weeks.

    • Ginger

      Good reminders, great content

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