Success is all about continually working outside your comfort zone and taking action despite that strange uneasy feeling in the center of your belly which we call fear, but the question is “”how to overcome your fears?”

Let’s accept that we all have fears, and we have no other choice but overcome our fears if we really want to be successful in life.

“What is your Fear Fighting Strategy? Do you wish they never appear? What do you do when they still do?

Every living being on this planet is afraid of something.  

Most fears are learnt in our brains.

The truth is that you cannot avoid them.

You can only master them to your best advantage.

My post today is going to show you how to overcome your fears,  and use them for your absolute benefit. So, hang on with me. 

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Overcome Your Fears

How to Overcome your Fears, and Use them for your Best Benefit

Being brave does not mean living with no fears.

It means acting, moving forward, and not getting much affected in spite of them.

We have Two Choices

Number 1:

Living with no fears is a highly spiritual game. It demands “No Attachment” with yourself and your ego, and the external world including material, relations, and people.

When you choose to live such detached life, you will have no fear to lose anything that you want to keep.

P.S. My intention is not to train you (at least in this article) to live this supreme level of spiritual life,

Number 2:

Let’s accept that if we want to live in the heart of this amazing world, and wish our worldly desires to be fulfilled, then this fear to lose our wealth, relationships, health, social reputation, and even life, will keep popping out of a corner of our minds, and scare us.

Let’s go ahead, and choose the second one.

Because that is the most practical choice.

Every coin has two faces. It’s the same with this dreaded emotion.

Now, let’s get further ahead, and look into the fact how fear protects us.

In some way, fear is good too. It saves us.

It keeps us from throwing ourselves into the tiger cage in a zoo.

Stops us from fighting alone with a dozen robbers, without being skilled at it!

Gets us save resources for the bad days!

Makes us behave nicely in the social settings!

Forces us to work in our jobs!

The Face and Impact of Fear is still UGLY.

Fear has to be CONTROLLED and MASTERED in order to succeed, and live peacefully, joyfully, and successfully.

Oliver Napolean Hill – an American self-help author who is best known for his Amazing book Think and Grow Rich which is among the 10 best selling self-help books of all time, talks about 6 Basic fears.

  1. Fear of poverty
  2. Fear of death
  3. Fear of ill-health
  4. Fear of loss of love of someone
  5. Fear of old age
  6. Fear of criticism.

Every person is infected by all or some of these ugly viruses. Now is the time to identify their presence in your minds and lives, so that you can overcome your fears.

So, set aside some time to spend with yourself figuring out how many of these fears are bothering you, and doing you the most damage.

Observe the patterns and list down your biggest fears

Monitor your thinking patterns.

What you think about all day long?

What kind of fears you encounter most?

Are you putting off any action or decision? If so, what is stopping you?

After you have done this list, craft a strategy to deal with each.

For example:

if you fear losing your spouse:

Think about all the reasons they are with you for, along with those they can leave you for.

And then commit to do something nice every day to strengthen your relationship with your spouse.

If you fear meeting and talking to new people:

Then face this fear. Network more. Make a goal of meeting at least 5 new people every week.

If you fear getting fired at work:

Make a plan to be more productive, and develop the habit of giving more than you get paid for. It would not only put in a good reputation with your bosses and customers, but will help you achieve more in life.

Your fears should not paralyze you

Fear leads to indecision, self doubt and inaction.  And all three are definitely not doing any good to you. They are just holding you back from sailing forward and succeeding.

The moment you catch any of your above listed fears holding you back, and blocking your success, do something serious about it.

When you find yourself dwelling on false-fears, stop right there and deal with it.

What is a False Fear?

This is a fear with no feet, is the most prevalent, and the root cause of most inaction, self-doubt, and stress in this world.

It is not likely to realize and runs only in your imagination making situation worse for you. False fear would make your mind experiment with all the permutation and combinations of evil things and negative consequences, and eventually, your creative imagination shall be compromised.

Let me tell you a scary fact about False Fear

My personal experience has shown me that we often face our fears; not because we had the intuition about this, but because our subconscious mind has had processed it enough to bring us the realization of it.

One of my very close friends had 2 prominent fears.


He would lose his job.


He would have a divorce.

A deeper part of his brain was constantly working on these two most fierce fears which he always was thinking in his mind, and as a consequence, he met with both.

And when we met after several years, he told me “See, didn’t I tell you this is going to happen”.

Control your fear using your Self-talk?

Any kind of fear first cooks up in our own heads before getting revealed to our surroundings.

The best way to deal with it is to counter question it during the time it’s still raw.

Ask questions to yourself –

“Why am I thinking like this?”

“What is the probability of this to happen?”

“What is making me overanalyzing this situation?”

The Next Action Step

Track, identify, and deal with your fears right there. Make a strategy for such patterns. Commit to changed thinking and action. And you will soon feel FEARLESS.

Now, I would love to hear from you.

What are your typical fears that are holding you back? 

Let us know in the comments section below.

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Multiple Global Award-Winning IT Business Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host of The Corporate Life. Featured in over 400 media channels worldwide, she helps CEOs and Founders of small IT businesses add $100K–$250K to their revenue in just 12 weeks.

    11 replies to "How to Overcome Fears and Use them for your Best Benefit"

    • Katie Buller

      I needed to read this post today! Thank you so much for sharing, I’m going to save this for later!

    • Kiara

      It’s so difficult to see how much we let fear affect our lives. Thank you for sharing so much information on this.

    • Stephanie

      It’s intriguing to even read the science behind fear and false fears. Thank you for sharing your perspective and motivation here.

    • Lily

      These tips are so helpful!

    • Sydney

      Wow, this was very helpful! Thanks for sharing so useful tips!

    • Dianna

      Faith over Fear. It really helps to have a strong foundation to withstand the ebb & flow of fear we face in life.

    • Claire

      This is so useful. Great ways to rationalise our fears and move forward.

      Thank you so much for sharing x

    • Mama Writes Reviews

      Oh, good post to read today! Fears just hold you back!

    • Samantha

      It’s amazing how much fear can hold us back without even realizing it. This really helps bring it to light so we can fight through it and live our best life!

    • Crystal // Dreams, etc.

      I love this! So often we let fear control us, but if we’re afraid of something we need to make a plan and work to overcome it.

    • Cayla

      This post is so helpful and eye-opening. I love where you encourage us to observe patters, list out fears, and develop ways to deal with them. I always look forward to reading your posts!

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