Do you often hear yourself say, sometimes in your mind, sometimes out loud, that LIFE SUCKS?

If you do, this post is going to give you 7 possible (and common) reasons that make you feel: I am done with life

The truth is that every one of us gets beaten up by life at some corner.

I too have a story to relate.

Had I not paused, and stared straight into what was biting me the most, I would still be living on that ‘why does life suck’ fence.

It’s your turn.

If you’re still on this post, and read it up till here, you have something that needs to be defined some more, and resolved.

Let’s find out:

Before we jump on to the post

Let me quickly give you a Tool that you can instantly use to find out why your life sucks.


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Life Sucks

Why Life sucks?

1. Because your work is too hard and too demanding.

You just have no time to spend with your family, friends, and your own self.

Taking a much needed vacation looks like a distant dream. You’re so caught up in the nitty-gritty of your work life, and all you can think (and talk) of nothing but work. You’re excessively overwhelmed with your work thoughts. Even when you are taking some time off, these work thoughts are not ready to abandon you.

Your everyday routines and responsibilities drain all your inner creative energies, and you’ve forgotten how fun even looks like.

Related: 13 Quick Tricks to Simplify your Work Life

2. Because you’re addicted to negative thought patterns.

Every time you are happy, you are afraid. You know that this moment of happiness is soon going to be lost.

You have trained yourself so well to be unhappy that now you are so sure that happiness is available to only a fortunate few.

And you don’t deserve it.


Because the past patterns validate this fact.

With every such thought, your belief gets stronger and bitter.

“Life is unfair”.

“All happy people are either lucky or fake”

“I will never be able to get it right.”

“Life is hard” 

And plenty of other similar thoughts keep troubling you.

3. Because you don’t make Enough Money.

More than often, you find yourself in financial destitute. You are sick and tired of your LOW INCOME which entirely (or partially) does not even cover your necessities.

Luxury seems like a high fantasy that you don’t imagine you can ever afford.

You work too hard to gain substantial money but this all keeps moving out of reach like an illusion.

And you feel like a loser; a failure story.

Related: 9 Steps to Manifest Money Fast [Plus Money Manifestation Checklist]

4. Because you think that no one likes you or care for you enough.

You do everything humanly possible to keep people happy around you. But they just don’t happen to like you (for the strange reasons you are not even aware).

Your relationships don’t fulfill you. Your friends and colleagues tend to take unfair advantage of you. Your family doesn’t value you the way you expect.

You feel cheated.

All this makes you feel so unwanted, and sometimes unattractive.

And your self esteem is continually sinking; your self-doubt persistently soaring.

Related: This One Single Rule will Solve a Variety of Your People Problems

5. Because you feel drained, and tired Physically and Emotionally.

A hard day leaves you exhausted. Getting off the bed is like a war that you fight just every single morning.

Heavy projects in the office make you feel throw up.

Weekends… you just want to sink into couch and watch TV all day long.

You feel stuck in a rut, and nothing on this planet, excites you – no longer.

6. Because you are not able to forgive yourself for a mistake you have made in the past.

May be in your career, in a romantic link, or education!

You just can’t get that sense of guilt out of your soul.

Your life would be different, much prettier if you didn’t make that error in your life. That very thought makes you restless, and being harsh on yourself.


7. Because your feel Empty deep down.

You’re missing a purpose and driving through life just aimlessly.

You don’t know where you would like to land. You often wonder where life is taking you.

You have a good job, loving family, sizzling romantic connection, great flow of money, but that doesn’t seem enough.

“Something missing but what” thoughts repeatedly occupy your mental space. Life feels normal but still bites you in the head. You are living a so called “great life” robotically, but the heart is somewhere missing.

Let me tell you that this is where I was exceedingly suffering, until I found the way around – the way which took me into my current “Passion Filled Profession”, and ultimately a fulfilling life.

Does any of the above ring warning bells?

If so, you just can’t afford to watch and wait hoping everything will be fine SOME DAY.

(Confession: I too have lived on that Some Day Island for too long.)

Yes. I know it can.

But not without doing something about it.

You need to take RIGHT ACTION.

I love to say this again and again and again, that:

Nothing changes until nothing changes.

If your life really sucks, you have a real problem that needs to be solved.

And you’re not taking time (or courage) to address it.

Ways to solve your problems

People usually don’t work through their problems unless they see an urgency to solve them.

Problems won’t go away if you just sit and ignore them.

So, just Go Ahead and deal with them. I am sure YOU CAN DO IT.

If you need help, schedule a NO-OBLIGATION 15 MINUTE CLARITY CALL with me.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

What is making your life messed up?

If you’ve got a magic wand, What is that ONE THING you would like to solve?

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Multiple Global Award-Winning IT Business Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host of The Corporate Life. Featured in over 400 media channels worldwide, she helps CEOs and Founders of small IT businesses add $100K–$250K to their revenue in just 12 weeks.

    7 replies to "7 Reasons Your Life Sucks (Workbook Included)"

    • Kimmy Ripley

      I can completely and totally relate to this! I am having a very down day here. I get plagued with really horrible negative thoughts. I am trying to take my mind off things right now so I can focus on something else. All of my warning bells are going off! 🙁

    • Carla Natali

      I believe what we think is directly connected to how we feel or how we see things.
      You´re right if you correct your thought pattern and simply decide to think of something else when a negative thought shows up it can change everything!

    • Kelly Bolen

      This is a great post! And so true! About 2 years ago I was doing the exact same thing!!!! So glad I challenged myself to change my mindset! And I am never looking back!=)

    • Courtney K

      It’s so important to evaluate what isn’t working and take steps to change things.

    • Cayla

      What a great read! The title immediately caught my eye. I could relate so much to it all, and LOVE the idea of a 7 Day Manifestation challenge! Very helpful!

    • Tiff

      You are so right! I think working too hard and not making enough money are the things that stress me out the most as a single mom. I always feel guilty for taking time away from my kids to work (even though I work from home, I can’t always be “present” because I’m working so much).

    • Meredith

      Such great advice! I completely agree that how we think drives so many of our actions!

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