When I closely looked into the chaos that was dominating my life, and tried to discover how to put back everything In order, I found one simple answer – Mindfulness.

We have a lot to do each day; taking care of family, keeping up with friends, looking after health, excelling at work; planning to increase our resources to live better, and dealing with everyday pressure eat up our principal hours of the day.

We try to make every aspect of our waking life “sorted”, exerting ourselves to rest calm, peaceful and happy with partial or no success.

But, do you ever notice, the harder we try, the less the impact is.

Post many years observing situations supporting this fact, I am compelled to believe that in the effort of trying more, doing gets the minimal results.

In the process of rushing through to gain much, we’re only left with so less fulfillment, and increased craving for more. Enjoying time and life seems like a talk of the past.

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All this lifestyle stress makes us think and say “I wish there was more time”.

With this prominent thought, we learn and read about managing our time better. Many of us undergo the training workshops.

Is that really the mainstream solution?

Will managing our time better would make us more productive and resourceful?

Well, yes, but only to a little extent.

Mindfulness – One Simple Solution

Leadership Expert and Bestselling Author, Robin Sharma superbly says “Stop managing your time, start managing your focus”.

And that is the real solution I see.

Getting the focus right solves many apparent complications.

  • More done in less time
  • Increased productivity
  • Better quality of living
  • More time at hand to spend with family, friends, and preferred activities
  • More fulfilment and enjoyment
  • Controlled anxiety and stress
  • And my most favourite is that you enjoy every slice of life, even what we regard as normal-stale routines.

“10-Minute Mindfulness” by S.J. Scott & Barrie Davenport, is the book I am going to share my thoughts about in the next few moments.

This splendid resource magnificently deals with what I have discussed above.

10 Minute Mindfulness

We are living a “No-Present” Life

Nearly all our actions, efforts and tasks are aligned with our expectations of future.

Our consciousness is busy thinking either what happened in the past or what’s up in the future.

If you too feel to have lost touch with your present reality like most of us do, you’ll find a dearth of wealth of useful ideas presented in this amazing book.

Isn’t it too easy to get distracted in a world full of noise?

“How can you remain in the present when you have to plan, schedule, achieve goals, and simply live life in hectic world that’s so focused on the future?”

Okay. Let’s face this. When we are told to change the way we live and think,

it feels uncomfortable, “too difficult” or even “impossible” to many.

Trapped in unconscious living, a majority of us would feel stomach churns when asked to wake up early to sit in meditation for half-an- hour.

You may be missing the times when you were a child; when you were growing up.

When I remember all my childhood memories, they fill me with that lost charm once again. Life was no chaotic.

It was a lot easy. Wasn’t that?

You know, why?;

Because as children, we were full of life; filled with the glorious feeling of being present.

All fun, all play.

No rushing, observing everything around with no judgment, no regrets, and no worries for the future.

Can we Regain Touch with Life Once Again?

Yes. And Mindfulness is the absolute answer.

“Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will), being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).”  

This is how James Baraz, meditation teacher, and mindful author defines Mindfulness in his book Awakening Joy”.

10-Minute Mindfulness” talks about 71 mindfulness habits, and the beauty is that each can be done in 10 minutes or less.

You don’t have to move outside your daily routine to practice the given ideas.

Just add a few focused minutes to each task we do in our daily routine already and the rewards are HUGE.

This book does not suggest that you must be mindful all day, everyday.

You can come back to mindfulness even for a few minutes during the day, and embrace it as part of the way you want to live.

The objective is straight, powerful, practical, and simple.

You slowly develop a habit to feel and enjoy what’s happening to you and around. Consequently you make the aware choices; be responsive rather than reactive; and don’t take a route of escape when it comes to complex situations.

Each practice follows an action plan and an additional resource to enhance the knowledge on that habit.

How about turning a normal daily chore of taking a shower into a mindful activity?

Drinking water several times a day can be an ordinary, routine task but when done with all-focus, can be a fulfilling and relaxing mindfulness exercise.

Practicing mindfulness in your everyday routine does not take extra hours to enjoy the goodness of being mentally present.

It will make you more focused, more productive at work, more sensitive in keeping relationships, and transform every part of your life dramatically.

You may get your copy here.

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Multiple Global Award-Winning IT Business Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host of The Corporate Life. Featured in over 400 media channels worldwide, she helps CEOs and Founders of small IT businesses add $100K–$250K to their revenue in just 12 weeks.

    8 replies to "Mindfulness: One Simple Solution to All Problems"

    • Lina

      Amazing blog post!

      • Hina Siddiqui

        Thank you Lina.

    • I love, love, love posts like this one as I am all about teaching others about the power of our minds! Simply changing your perspective, and trying harder to really take notice of what’s around you, can do wonders for your mental health and happiness. It helps you realise all the good you have in your life, and what is not bringing you any happiness, and can therefore be taken away. Training myself to be more mindful and present honestly gave me a completely new outlook on life!

    • Lindsey

      This is a reminder of the importance of being content, a reminder I need daily 🙂 Thank you for getting this information out into the world.

    • Colleen

      I feel like mindfulness is a keystone habit. Upon it rests other habits that makes life easier. For example, mindfulness has helped me become more aware of complaining, both in myself and others.

    • Carla Natali

      I absolutely agree!
      Yes, we could change how stressed we feel and actually get things done in a smarter way if we simply learn to shift our focus and energy to the now and also trust that whatever is ours is coming to us. Great post, Hina!!!

    • Brandi Wiatrak

      I am a big believer in practicing mindfulness. It truly does make a positive impact on your life and overall mental well-being. I love that notion: “Stop managing your time, start managing your focus”. I gotta remember that one. Awesome post!

    • Holly Downing

      I so agree- being present with my family each day is so important!

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