Stress seems to be in the air. 

And everyone of us is a victim.

I have always believed that “prevention is better than cure”, and my today’s post is about creating a simplified work life so as to avoid the advent of this devil rather than fighting with it once it has infected you.

Let’s Never Forget. Clutter is a synonym to complexity. Simplicity leads to efficiency. Keep things simple yet effective. In your physical settings as well as your mental space, clutter is the magnet that pulls the negativity and stress. The more the clutter, the worse the stress levels; so, one word you need to tattoo on your mind is “Simplify”. Declutter and simplify your physical and mental space.

In just a few seconds, I am going to tell you 13 practices to simplify your work life. Our work life takes the most of our waking hours. If you set it in place, everything else is most expected to fall in place too.

I totally understand that accommodating all 13 of the following at once can make many of you overwhelmed. So go flexible. Choose the most workable for you to start with. And then add more once you get accustomed with what you chose in the first place.

Easy-peasy? Let’s talk about it.

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13 quick tricks to simplify your work life

Here are 13 Quick Tricks to Simplify your Work Life

1. Reach 10-15 minutes Earlier and Set the Intent for the Day.

I have seen people struggle with “Reaching at the last minute” syndrome. They start late, reach late and usually, just get behind. Their day begins in the “chaotic state of mind”, and this state rules the major part of the day.

Why not reach a bit earlier, take a breather before work actually takes off, set the intent for the day and get inspired to accomplish the most in your work day? Make sense?

2. Tidy up

Any kind of clutter leads to complexity. And you know we are on the way to make things simple. So go tidy up. Clear up your desk; sort out your papers and/or digital folders.

Declutter your mental space. Whatever ‘negative’ you have on your mind, slowly release that with every exhale until you start feeling clean and light.

3. Make a Quick List of “To be Accomplished Tasks”

Figure out 5 important tasks that you need to do this day. Circle “even more important 3” out of this “5-Tasks list”.  Write in your Day Planner.

Secrets of the 6 Figure Employee 2

4. Plan out a Smart Action Strategy

Once your list is good to go with, take a few deep breaths, notice your surroundings by paying a good amount of attention and just be where you’re at the moment.

Think about 3 ways to accomplish your tasks on the list simply and more efficiently.

5. Eliminate the Non-Essentials

Sometimes I think that 24 hours are pretty less. There should have been more time. I confess this is a wrong wishful thought. We still can make more out of these 24 hours given to us each day.

First, let your focus not be shaken until you’re done with your “list of 3”. 

Next, move on to the next 2 on your “list of 5”. This way, you won’t have productive hours wasted on non-essential tasks. if you still have time, decide if these non-essential tasks really make sense to you.

6. Keep the Negative Influence Away

Nearly all Work places have Energy Vampires. They come in many forms but what is common with each form is that they take away your positive life force. They may be bad at almost everything but one skill they excel at, and that is, they suck your precious positive energy. So, Beware.

7. Make Time for a Dose of Fresh Air

Take enough breathing breaks. Go outdoors at least for a few minutes once or twice to absorb some nature into your being, and feel the freshness inside you.

8. Keep your Gratitude List open on the Desk

This has been my never-changing activity for too long now. My Gratitude List is lying open on my desk all day long and I make sure to write in it just about every 1-2 hours. What it splendidly does? It never lets me sink in complaining mode and I feel enormously fortunate to make it a part of my everyday life.

9. Avoid Office Politics

Let me tell you that I have always been really scared of this aspect of corporate culture. Unsolicited manipulations are really brain straining, and damage healthy competition and growth. It only enlarges the stress levels and in my opinion is ‘Lose Lose” approach for everyone in the long run. In the simplest language, ”it’s not worth it”.

10. Never Be Taken for Granted

Many people would take “all-work” burden on their shoulders. And rest will try to shed off their maximum work load onto the fellow team members. Both mindsets are not workable. Take an apt approach. Say “No” to what is not your slice of  cake. There is no need to feel guilty while refusing to the work that someone else is entitles to.  At the same time, you may choose to help in some way for the genuine and called-for situations.

11. Take Feedback in a Healthy Way

In fact, let it challenge you, and use the opportunity to grow and change for the better.

But first off, learn to differentiate between healthy feedback and non-sense criticism. People are swayed by their temporary emotions and fluctuating moods. Jealousy and envy are just built in every individual. How they manage it, let them decide.

Be smart enough to identify 1) what to drop and 2) what to process.  

12. Don’t Take Work-Thoughts Home

I know plenty of people, who leave offices with work still on their mind. Come on. Go easy. Be gentle with yourself. You have a life outside your work zone. Release any regrets about what you didn’t get done today at work. Once you are done with your day, just check out mentally. Appreciate yourself having showed up at work with sincere intentions. You deserve applause.

13. Set up a Weekly Work Routine in Advance

This is a great practice to avoid decision making fatigue. Monday blues are felt everywhere regardless of which ever geographic location you live in. After a much-awaited weekend, getting back to work seems like climbing a tough mountain. I remember, in the early years of my job, I was desperately hoping that the day ended at the blink of the eye.

This mindset can be replaced by regaining your focus for the week. Prioritize the weekly tasks. Make a good schedule dwelling upon the desired end results. Think at least 3 ways you can perform better this week.

Keep Experimenting to kill Monotony

I love to keep experimenting with my weekly schedules to kill monotony. At times I would keep one or two whole days for my batched tasks and other times I set a few 90-minute schedules for various activities like social media scheduling, writing blog posts and other pieces of content, video creation tasks etc. It works best for me. Make schedules that excite you.

How do you make your days simple yet efficient? Love to have your views shared in the comments.

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Multiple Global Award-Winning IT Business Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host of The Corporate Life. Featured in over 400 media channels worldwide, she helps CEOs and Founders of small IT businesses add $100K–$250K to their revenue in just 12 weeks.

    8 replies to "13 Quick Tricks to Simplify your Work Life"

    • Sohel Thakor

      Greetings of the day…!!
      Great articles It was great insights into simplifying the work life.
      I will try to simplify my day by first of all making a to do list like a pilot have as Checking before a flight.
      Prior planning of my day in advance and blocking my time for various activities.

    • Sohel Thakor

      Greetings of the day…!!!
      It is great article and superb tips how we can simplify of work life.

      I simplify my day by using two basic things first is to make to do list and following it second is advance planning of my day.

      Thank you,

      • Hina Siddiqui

        Thank you for stopping by and posting such lovely comments, Sohel,. Wish you huge success!!!

    • Bailey

      Isn’t it amazing what a difference simply making a list can have on the flow of your week? These are excellent tips for simplifying the work week!

      • Hina Siddiqui

        Well said! This is totally amazing to achieve amazing results with just a bit of simple planning.

    • Sara Ross

      When I was working full time, out of the home, #9 seemed impossible to avoid. It was really easy to get all wrapped up in all the drama. I can tell you that it not only had an effect on my work it also had an effect on my attitude throughout the day.

      • Hina Siddiqui

        You are right Sara. I have exoerienced the same. It makes a huge difference when we choose to keep out of unneeded stuff at work, and just focus on productive results.

    • Laverne

      Do you have any kind of ideas for creating posts? That’s where I constantly battle and I simply wind up staring vacant screen for long period of time.

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