Did you notice that this month flew by so fast? It kept me high on excitement in its first week, and then, a few next weeks gone settling things down, creating plans to support my goals and trying to adjust with the revised routines. I guess your story is somewhat similar. Things are quite stable now and we can move ahead with our goals, strategies and action plans more steadily.

Much of our success comes through consistent planning, constant action and the regular analysis of what we are doing in our days, weeks and months. I have kept this post around the same

“What you should do at the end of every month to keep getting better-than-ever results, optimally reduce your stress and anxiety levels and take control of your everyday life so you approach your goals at a faster pace while maintaining a happier state of mind. Make sense?”

9 things to do every month

Here’re 9 Things you must do at the End of Every Month

1. Sit with your Goals & Resolutions for 15-20 minutes & Reflect.

Take a deep look into your list. Select a few to focus on this month. Why are these goals and resolutions important to you? How and to what extent would they give you pleasure once you achieve them? What goals have you already started with?

Answer such questions and write them in your journal or even on a plain sheet of paper. This exercise would strengthen your desire to achieve your target and prepare you better for the success.

2. Are your Daily and Weekly Activities aligned with your Major Goals and Resolutions of this year?

If you want to gain remarkable success in this year, you’ll have to be getting used to it just every day. A little success each day will amount to big one at the end of the tenure. I make sure to do at least one thing every day that is directly or indirectly affecting my major goals.

Take Stock of the important things and activities you did, and accomplished, and Important things that you couldn’t touch for some reason. Create powerful plans and actions to accommodate those in your everyday routine.

The sure shot way of doing that is to create routines around those. For example, if your goal is to get financial independence, then it’s vital that you develop habit of saving and regular investing. And that has to reflect in your daily, weekly and monthly plans.


3. Make a List of Unfinished Tasks of the Month.

Nothing makes me more restless than seeing unfinished tasks on my planner. This in fact, goes for all of us. A completed task equals more inspiration for your coming up action. So, don’t leave things unfinished.

Do you see anything that doesn’t seem worth doing anymore? Circle those and remove them from the list. It would shed off a ton of unneeded stress and anxiety. Trust me. It will.

4. Figure out the Most Important Tasks you can Accomplish in line with your Goals in this month.

Let’s accept this. We all are guilty of indulging in unimportant tasks and activities leaving the important ones sidelined.  Let’s get rid of this habit this year. Reserve your most creative hours for the important stuff each day and finish it without procrastinating. Small and not-so-essential tasks can be accomplished at a time slot when you’re not feeling very high on energies.

5. Pick up One Bad Habit that you wish to Replace with a Good One.

According to a study “we live on autopilot nearly half the time”. What drives us during those times then? It’s our habits. That’s the reason we’re considered as slaves to our habits.

At a time, I was watching too much TV. Upon realization, I filled that TV time with reading which proved to be a total life changing experience for me.

What is that one habit you would like to exchange with the good one? Figure that out.

6. Think about One Learnable Skill that will Elevate your Performance and Commit to Begin with it just immediately.

That skill may be anything that helps you in achieving your goals and gives you fulfillment in life. For most of the people I have worked with, better communication was on the top of the list. Be it Public Speaking, Business writing, Persuasion, a New technology, a Foreign Language or whatever you choose, it would give you a better sense of purpose and direction in all areas of your life.

7. Write down your Fitness Plan for the Month.

That is the MUST, I would say. Regardless of what you do for a living, you need high energies and great health conditions to go further ahead. When you make a few changes in your fitness activities at a regular interval, you feel more motivated to keep at it. What you are going to eat more of or less of; which form of exercise you really want to try; how many times you’re going to take stairs instead of elevator; Keep experimenting with different options of your choice. It would be super fun and it would keep you in great spirits.

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8. Mark your Calendar for Family and Social Engagements.

What use would success and money be of, if you couldn’t share it with those you really love and care about? Make time to be with them. The best way to not forget the important days like Birthdays, Anniversaries and Memorable dates is to mark them on your Calendar.

9. Put your Finances in Perspective.

What can you do to better your finances and save more? Track what and how you spent in the whole month. Bring what was not worth it, into awareness and commit to not repeat it the following month. Set out a budget for the month and make ways to save a little more and spend a little less.

What is your strategy for staying in control of your days and months? What are you currently doing and what can you do differently? I would love to hear your insights.

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Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Multiple Global Award-Winning IT Business Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host of The Corporate Life. Featured in over 400 media channels worldwide, she helps CEOs and Founders of small IT businesses add $100K–$250K to their revenue in just 12 weeks.

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