While we go along our journey of life, we want a set of things, experiences, and wins over our fellow human beings and undesirable situations. As and when we are able to acquire those things, live those experiences and get the desired wins, we consider this as success.

Do you ever think that Success is overrated? Even if it is, no one seems to resist it. Wanting something and making it happen, throws off new challenges to us, and ultimately give us some significant purpose to fall in love with our life.

If life is a battle, this process equips us to fight better. It helps us grow, develop, and delve deeper into the different layers of life.

Now the question is, do you really want what you want at the moment? Or, your wants are dominated and directed by the society? If it’s the latter case, it’s time for you to do some analysis and redo your list of goals. Once you’re done, I urge you to come back and get into this post because I am giving you 17 Amazing Tips that would make your “success” loud, clear, and just happen.

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17 Sure Shot Tips for remarkable success

1. Create Powerful Routines

Whatever is it that you’re looking to happen; it won’t come without a strong degree of consistent self-discipline. We are creatures of habit, we all know that. To be able to include a specific action into your lifestyle, and stick at it, is the reason we create routines. So, why not create really powerful ones?  

Related Post: How to Create Power Routines and Join the League of A-List Achievers

2. Make and Strengthen New Connections

No man is an island. We all are the spiders of the same web. So, co-operating, co-playing and co-winning, is a good rule of the game. Initiate and build on connections with like minded people who can inspire you at different stages, and share some great insight with you. Seek help, and be willing and ready to give when others need.

3. Sharpen Your Communication

To succeed in your chosen field, effective communication is a pretty strong weapon that you can’t afford to overlook.

We learn and speak Languages; however, we often fail to understand that the language is just a mode that facilitates communication.

Effective communication is a function of your goodness and self-worth.

If you honestly respect your counterparts, you are most likely to choose the words that don’t hurt them. If you have some bitterness accumulated over a period of time for the world, and formed a belief that this world isn’t worth trusting, your overall communication will be filtered through those harsh thoughts.

4. Learn New Skills

Your learning should NEVER, at any cost, stop. Spend a good time with your Goals. Figure out what skills will help you best to get there. Pick one and start with it AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

Along with it, freeze 30 – 60 minutes at least 3 times a week for Reading, Listening to Podcasts and Audio Programs, Watching Knowledge Videos etc. whatever you choose, should be good enough to increase your knowledge and challenge your intelligence.

5. Learn to Play to your Strengths

Every individual has a different combination of strengths and weaknesses. The truth is that what you focus on is certain to grow. And most of us unintentionally or unknowingly, pay too much attention on what we lack.

You may be a bit weaker in giving oral presentations, but at the same time may possess strong writing skills.

The wise and successful would highlight their strong areas while patiently working to better their weaker ones.

6. Cut Connections with People who Pull you Down

You’re the average of the 5 people you most associate with. Choose good ones to be with. Let the energy suckers leave your zone. Be on the lookout for good people who can inspire and help you win.

7. Have a Mentor

Having a Mentor will speed up and ensure your success and growth. You may choose either to hire the professional coaching services of someone who influences you in a good way, or find someone around you who is at least a few years ahead of you in your respective field.

8. Plan your Months / Weeks / Days

Good plan is half of work. Plan your time to the best of your capacity. A good planner is a Great Partner. Invest in this super powerful tool. Finish the most challenging tasks before the Lunch hour. 

9. Be Consistent with your Analysis

This is super important. Pause and reflect time and again. What is working and what’s not is worth checking over. In line with your goals and desires, strategically analyze your actions consistently. I do this Analysis every month end.

Related Post:  9 Things You Must do at the End of Every Month

10. Sit for Ideas

This is one of the best practices I have learnt over the years. The exercise is simple. Sit in a quiet and distraction free part of your home or even your workplace. Ask yourself a question, e.g. “what can I do to complete this project in the most efficient way”? Or “how can I get the next promotion in my job”? Or “what all I need to do to have 5 more passive income streams?”

Trust your brain power, and listen to the answers that come from within you.

11. Invest Positive Emotions into Every Task you do

My love for practicing Law of Attraction is not hidden. This astonishing law has made my life miraculously magical.

This law operates on vibrating positive energies, and joyously being in the moment having a firm faith in the amazing powers of the universe.

It may sound “just one simple one liner”, however, making it a way of life takes unshakable commitment, and lots of practice.

Begin every task you do with a strong positive intention of producing great results. Feel gratitude and joy that you’ve got to be a part of it, and pour your heart and soul in it. Let me tell you that this is the one of the most powerful keys to huge success.

My “Road to Riches Program” teaches these profound principles with actionable ways and strategies. You may learn more about it here.

12 No-whining Rule

I am 200% sure that nearly every one of us has to deal with whining souls in our daily lives. These are the people who will just complain for everything happening to them and others. They will curse the society, world, people, government, system, law; making their life miserable for no valid reasons.

The negative energy they stack up is just too tough to deal with for them as well as the others.

It’s extremely essential to stay away from such complaining-folks, and even more essential is, NOT TO BE ONE.

13. Love your Work & Relationships

Love is the strongest positive emotion you can ever emit. Anything that you begin, and sustain with love energy, will be tremendously magnified. So use this powerful emotion just everywhere.

14. Physical / Mental / Spiritual Fitness plans

It’s good to see that in today’s modern progressive era, people are quite aware of their physical fitness. And that’s essential too, but what about Mental and Spiritual Fitness?
Our overall health is a byproduct of body, mind and spirit harmony. You achieve a high level of health and fitness when all three work in unison.

15. Start your Day “The Day Before”

Spend a few minutes planning the following day, preferably before going to bed at night. Focus on the crucial results you want the day to produce for you. By doing so, you’ll be taking the excellent and “not available anywhere else” services of your subconscious mind. Your last thoughts shall be worked on into this super powerful section of your brain. And terrifically condition your day to amaze you.

16. Journal your Way to Success

You don’t need to be a skilled writer to start writing in your journal. All you need to do is buy yourself a Great Journal. and begin scribbling in it.

When you spend a few minutes recording your thoughts in your beautiful journal, you are actually slowing down your pace, and reflecting on your deepest thoughts. It eventually improves your mental and spiritual health, and gives you more focus on what you are up to.

17. Don’t Over Engage your Brain

If you’re into “too much thinking over matters that don’t really matter”, stop indulging. Just be in the moment, and enjoy every one of it.

Desires are much likely to manifest, and things mostly happen the way you want WHEN you let them process their own way. Even if you think too hard, things will go the way they have to. So, Relax. Expect the best from everything to come. Let your mind be at rest. 

What has best worked for you to achieve your level of success? I would love your insights in the comment section.

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Multiple Global Award-Winning IT Business Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host of The Corporate Life. Featured in over 400 media channels worldwide, she helps CEOs and Founders of small IT businesses add $100K–$250K to their revenue in just 12 weeks.

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