We all have known those moments when we reach the point of despair beyond what we can handle, and just want to shout out loud:  ‘I hate my life’.

You may have your own unique story responsible in the background that makes you really hate your life, but majority of the people fall in ‘Life Sucks’ syndrome because of these 7 Common Reasons.

Whatever the reason your life sucks and you currently hate it, one thing is for sure:

You want to escape.

You don’t want to keep hating your life, and desperately want to escape from the situations that harass you.

This post is about giving you a clear way to escape from the hell you’re burning in.

I will, in a few moments share with you a Super Powerful ‘5 Step Strategy’ you must immediately follow when you notice the signs of giving up on life.

I use this easy to follow process with huge success to help the people I work with, who desperately need a break from life.

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I was sailing in the same ‘I hate my life’ ship

For more than a decade, I kept on saying to myself that ‘I hate my life’.

I hated my soul crushing life because I:

  • couldn’t stick to any job for more than 6 months, and every time started the next one from zero
  • continually compared myself with other people, and felt that everyone else was better than me
  • was not happy with my physical appearance
  • didn’t have friends
  • failed at every effort I made to make more money
  • always thought how big a loser I was, and so convinced that I was born with some naturally technical faults

I had lost all hopes, and nothing was (even slightly) working for me. My life was screwed up at every angle.

Had I stayed in that mindset for any longer, I wouldn’t be alive to write this post for you, because plenty of times, I had scary thoughts of ending my life.

But, that was such a blessing!

Did that make your eyes roll?

I can explain.

As a Life Coach, my work keeps me in close contact with people who struggle in life.

A majority of them would never make any kind of effort to change what’s bothering them unless it goes beyond survival.

And you know what?

It’s not their fault.

We humans are conditioned to move our tails only when something really huge comes up. When I say huge, I mean a matter of life and death.

For example:

You hate your job. But changing a job or career seems a lot of work. You’re not happy with your work, bosses or colleagues, but at least in a safe zone taking home a decent amount of money every week/month.

Who knows if you feel exactly the same or even worse at a new Job?

So why even try?

But imagine, you know that you are at the end of your rope, and your boss has informed you that you’re going to be fired in 30 days.

Will you still not start looking for a new one?

Let’s come back to my story. How come such disastrous situation was a blessing?

I think you got that.

If I was able to manage through, I would never come out of the pit I was fallen into.

And never could leave all that was making my life suck….

So, consequently, never would be able to land on to this fabulous new life I am living right now.

So, let me look straight into your lovely eyes and tell you…

Because you are aware of your sad life story, and landed on to this post to help yourself come out of your traumatizing life events; that’s great news.

Now, you will not settle for anything mediocre! You are going to turn everything around. Believe that you can, and you will.

Let’s go deep into the further action steps to fall in love with your sweet life once again.

The 5-Step Strategy you must follow when you feel “I hate my Life”

Here’s what you need:

  • A Notebook
  • A Pen
  • Your Distraction free Time and Attention

Step 1: Believe all is going to be okay soon

Do you have any idea who is responsible for your messy life?

It’s not destiny. Not the external situations or other people (no matter how toxic they are).

It’s your beliefs.

Yes. That’s as true as steel.

Our core beliefs that are hiding under layers of our subconscious mind are totally controlling our lives.

Positive Thinking is a Great Force, but Right Believing is the Core Foundation.

A lot has been written, talked and taught about positive thinking however, it in itself is nothing.

Please don’t get me wrong.  I am not at all telling you to stop thinking positively.

All I aim to establish here is that, in misalignment with your belief system, positive thinking will only frustrate you.

Developing positive outlook towards everything makes you handle all adverse situations in a powerful way. So, learn some great habits of positive people.

Remember, the foundation of your life is Right Believing – beliefs that serve you in shaping your life the way you want.

So, here’s the very first thing to do:

Stop Reading for a while, and just RELAX.

Take a few full deep breaths.

Think about:

  1. All big and small victories you have had so far.
  2. Every single thing that makes your life easier; or anything you’re grateful for.

List them down in your notebook.

Include everything that you’re proud of.

Your list may include:

  • Your family, friends or loved ones for supporting you
  • Roof on your head
  • Eyes for reading
  • Your job that gets you money to pay your bills. (or even a part of your bills, in case you’re unhappy with your financial situation)
  • Being alive, clothed and fed in this moment
  • Having a choice to better your life conditions
  • Your ability to think through your problems, and working toward the solution. (You have landed on this article that shows you have taken initiative to reverse your unfavorable life situations).

I love to do this task whenever I feel down, and believe that nothing can be taken for granted. Even having access to drinking water is a lot of fortune.

844 million people lack basic drinking water access, more than 1 of every 10 people on the planet.

I urge you to be grateful for every single thing you have that makes your life easier.

Do that if you don't want to keep on saying 'I hate my life".

Fuel your Belief

Having done your gratitude list, you are in a better position to fuel your belief.

Believe that you are soon going to be well on a Fabulous Life Road, where all you will get is:

  • joy,
  • prosperity,
  • fulfilling relationships, and
  • everything else that may excite you.

If you did that with passion, faith and commitment, you just planted a small powerful seed of an amazing life into your being.

This small seed has already started taking shape. Trust me on that.

All other steps you will take along will water this small seed, and make it grow.

So, how are you feeling now? Better?


Keep reminding yourself that the life you’d love is just a good effort away. It’s REALLY POSSIBLE. And you absolutely deserve it.

Step 2: Figure out why you hate your life

Before we get down to Your Action Strategy, wouldn’t you do a life scan and investigate.

 It works.

Everything that happens to you has a reason.

Nothing in this entire universe occurs for no reasons!

I so much admire Simon Sinek – British American Author & Leadership Expert for popularizing the concept ‘Start with Why’.  It would be so well worth your time to read his fabulous book “Start with Why”.

Your why will get you a clear perspective on finding the best solution to your immediate problem, and make your efforts a lot easier.

To answer your why, this is what you need to do:

Quick scan your different life areas to find out where the problem exists.

When we hate our life, quite often, we feel that all’s going wrong.

But in reality, there’s just a few things that need to be fixed, and all else will click into place.

So, if you desperately want to find a way out of your pain and traumatized life, your #1 job is to find out where life is hitting you this hard.  

To get you started, here are a few possibilities, some common reasons why people struggle:


  • are unhappy with your job
  • not making enough money
  • have unfulfilling /bad relationship with your loved ones
  • think people don’t value you the way they should
  • have some health issues
  • are not able to cope with a challenge that has suddenly cropped up
  • don’t feel satisfied with your physical appearance
  • are not able to forget a terrible past event, and it keeps on traumatizing you
  • feel too exhausted performing your routine tasks
  • don’t have time to enjoy and do things that you love
  • are surrounded by toxic people who are poisoning your life
  • don’t understand why you’re doing what you’re doing
  • expect far bigger than what you have in reality
  • don’t feel fulfilled.

Step 3: Take the Ownership of Your Problems

One reason that keeps people in trouble is their tendency of not taking the responsibility of the consequences they experience based on the choices they have had made in the past.

Whatever your problem is, and whoever you think is at fault, your problem is your accountability, and no one else’s.

Even if you have had:

  • abusive parents,
  • soul crushing job
  • less education
  • external life conditions,
  • a cheating partner,
  • mean friends,
  • annoying relatives,
  • global recession
  • or anything else you can think of;

Your problems still remain yours. And you have got to resolve them.

If you really want to heal your ‘I hate my life’ wound, do yourself this favor.

Say this right now:

“Whatever it is that I am suffering through; I am responsible for changing my life. And I am gonna do whatever it takes.

Trust me, the moment you own this responsibility to crush your life troubles, your inner powers multiply tenfold.

You get empowered, and nothing in this universe can ever stop you.

Imagine what happens when you don’t take accountability for your problems?

You give away your powers to external forces.

As you don’t have direct control on these outside factors, you keep feeling powerless which further frustrates you.

Step 4: Write down your Action List

After taking the ownership of your life challenges, you must be feeling much better.

In this strong frame of mind, you are good to go and craft a great WORKABLE PLAN to come over your soul sucking struggles.

But, you won’t be able to come up with a great strategy unless you dig down deeper into the root cause for hating your life.

I will give you 2 Examples to help you understand this the best way.

Example 1:

She was a charming young lady in her late 20s. When I met her 8 months ago at a café, she looked totally distressed.

Ana (changed the name for the privacy reasons) needed my help to cope with her recent divorce.

Here are the words coming straight from her:

“My life is a living hell. I regret my very existence in this ugly world. People are just ruthless. You can’t trust anyone. You know I hate my life. I really do. 

My husband never missed a single opportunity to bring me down. Living with him was an emotional harassment. His family… they were all mean like he was.

I think divorcing him was a great thing, but now what?

I see no future ahead of me. How will I survive in this mean world?”

As the conversation went on, she further told me about:

  • a few breakups she had before her marriage
  • plenty of conflicts at her workplace
  • many incidents about how her family had been sabotaging her at different occasions
Here are the findings:

This one conversation was enough to show that the problem lies with her self-worth.

She had a drastically low self image, and that was the reason, she wasn’t able to relate with people, and was constantly comparing herself to other people, feeling unworthy and useless.

All this led to unhealthy mental frame, frustration and self hate.

The way she was feeling about herself, the world was reflecting back in the similar way. This is called the Mirror effect, or Law of Reflection which states that all reality is a perception of your inner self.

We had a few more sessions over the next 90 days. She did a great job in co-operating with the coaching, and followed the action strategy that we worked upon.

She keeps on sending me occasional mails about updates on her life.

And I feel happy to see her move on with life, out of the confinement she was living into.

Based on her last mail, she is seeing a great guy, and they are going to marry soon.

Example 2:

Pete (changed the name to protect the privacy), an intelligent, and bright Sales Engineer is working in a Company for the last 1 year.

As he told me:

“He hated his job, and his exploiting bosses, who never seemed to be pleased no matter how hard he worked. Plus, he was underpaid.

The company’s environment was not employee friendly. There was no freedom to take decisions.

Unhappy with his performance, his company had given him the warning that he was going to be fired very soon.

He was seeking help to get a better high paying job.

It was his 12th job in the last 9 years. He had either resigned or been fired from his previous jobs.”

Ever since, he started working, he never saw prosperity. Enough money was just a dream. His bad financial situation was even spoiling his relationship with his wife.

The situation was quite stressful. Pete was going through a bad mental health, and as a result, his physical health was also being affected.

We had a number of sessions where we discussed his early days of childhood, background, aspirations, experiences at different stages in life, and a lot more.

This is what came out as a conclusion:

His core problem lied in his limiting beliefs about money.

Pete came from a family where he always saw his parents struggling with making money.

No surprise, he absorbed the money related limiting beliefs from them at quite an early age.

Developing limiting beliefs related to money is a common cause of experiencing lack of money or financial losses.

So, we worked on the solution.

He’s still following the devised plan, and showing great signs of improvement with respect to his job and finances.

With the above 2 examples, you now must be having some idea on how all this works.


Ensure a Simple Solution

Whatever it is that you’re trying to resolve in your life, you don’t have to complicate it.

Craft a simple solution that you can easily follow.

We humans have a tendency to underestimate the fabulous hidden powers and amazing consequences of simplicity.

A complicated solution will make its execution messy, and results less likely.

So, look for a simple solution. I know, I have said it before, but it’s worth repeating.

Start with your relationship with yourself

n my eyes, this is the most important relationship in this whole world. If that’s not healthy, it’s high likely that:

  • Your external relationships will struggle big time
  • You may feel dissatisfied most of the times
  • Your financial life may trouble you
  • You may face physical and mental health issues
  • Your progress will be hampered

Immediately start working to build your confidence, and strengthen your self-image.

I am a morning person, and always recommend my clients to create and commit to a Self Care based Morning Routine.

This is the best way to enhance your self esteem. if you’re serious about transforming your life story, go for it.


Write down your Action List. 

This is a great task.

People travel a long distance between “I hate my life” to “start loving it again”. And sometimes, spend a lifetime being stuck and never escape the rut.

By working on your List of Action, you are doing a great job shifting the paradigm.

Now, go ahead, write a minimum of 20 things you can do to reverse the situation.

You might think:

 ‘Had I known how to solve my terrible situation, I would have done it long before”.

But trust me. The answers will now come.

You just have to:

  • have faith
  • keep your mind open
  • look for solutions
  • allow yourself some time and space
  • focus

Get your notepad.

Write down everything that comes to your mind, no matter how stupid, small, difficult or even impossible it seems.

Your job at this point is to take stock of any and everything that you can do to fall in love with your life once again.

Example 1:

If you’re experiencing a painful marital (or romantic) relationship, your action list may look like this:

  • developing a great relationship with yourself
  • set some time every day/week to spend with your partner
  • stop blaming yourself (and/or your partner) for a stinking relationship
  • stay in control of yourself, and think positively about your relationship
  • have meaningful conversations with your partner to figure out what both of you really want from this relationship
  • go on a peaceful vacation together
  • do at least one activity you both enjoy together every day/week
  • Hire a Coach or a Marriage Counsellor
Example 2:
  • Write down your income and expenses to determine the gap
  • Cut down expenses you can avoid
  • Make a budget that helps you live within your means
  • Find out ways to make more money with some side hustles. (You may want to start a blog or set up an online business that could get you some extra money every month.
  • Figure out ways to get a raise at work, or even a Job or Career Change.
  • Enhance your abilities, and expand your skill set. (e.g. better communication skills, a new language, or a skill related to your profession)
  • Observe your limiting money beliefs, and replace them with those that serve you.

Step 5: Create a System and Follow it with full commitment


To bring your life back in order, it’s CRUCIAL to organize your days.

I have seen people being busy with work all the time, and still not able to produce the results that matter.

And that is a valid cause of distress.

The Action list you have worked upon in the last section will not ever get you results if you don’t make a plan to work it through consistently.

Here’s my favorite way of talking about the importance of Action.

  1. No Action = No Results
  2. Minimal Action = Minimal Results
  3. Massive Action = Massive Results

So which one would you like to choose?

I always prefer #3.

And I believe you too would love to have massive results.

In order to experience massive results, you would need to take massive action. There’s no other choice.

So, whatever action you have chosen to take, schedule it in your days.

Create a 90-Day Plan

How would you eat an elephant if you really have to?

Not possible in one gulp, right?

Eat that big huge elephant one bite at a time.

On the same note, the problem that is making you shout ‘I hate my life’ is like a huge elephant. You can’t solve it just at once, or in one day.

I suggest devising a 90-day smart schedule.

This strategic plan is your key to an adorable life. So, pay full attention, and make it the best.

Here’s an example to help you do this task.

You want to make more money, and you’ve decided to be more valuable to your current organization so you can negotiate your salary.

You may think of making a 90 day plan that involves:

  • Hone your communication skills
    • Enrol in an Online or Weekend Course on Effective Communication
      • Every Weekend / Before or After Work
    • Network with great people in your industry to build your confidence
      • Every Friday Evening or whenever you choose to
    • A daily or weekly Self Care Routine to enhance your self-worth
      • Wake up an hour earlier every day, and do a set of morning rituals e.g. Journaling, Fitness, etc.
    • Learn a new Skill that could help you do your job in a better way
      • What skill? Any certification, computer skill, or any education upgrade
        • A Weekly Class, or DIY

This was just a brief example of how you could do this task. You can be as creative and as precise you want to. Invoke your imagination and make out a brilliant schedule.

Clear out the Junk from your days

I think we all are guilty of doing unneeded things for a relatively longer time everyday that don’t actually serve us. They are just sitting in our daily routines wasting our time and energy.

For many, it’s excessive involvement on social media. It has done more damage than good.

I am sure you know people around you who would take their Selfies at every stupid occasion, for mere objective of posting on Facebook, and checking several times to see how many likes it has got.

What do you think it is?

Nothing more than a quest for external validation!

What harm is it doing?

It’s directly playing with their self-worth.

More attention means feeling worthy and valuable.

And what if not?

I am personally not entirely against social media, however, don’t allow it to make your self- value fluctuate depending on people’s reactions.

What unneeded stuff is filling your days leaving you drained?

Take a closer look at what you do all day long.

How’s it helping or working against your goals?

What activities you can replace with meaningful tasks and activities?

If you love to spend your evenings, watching brain damaging TV shows, how about calling or meeting an inspiring friend and having a great talk?

Do you like to stay in bed until afternoon on weekends? Why not go outdoors, and perform a physical activity, or take a long meditative walk?

Spend some quality time with your spouse, and have a deep conversation that fulfills both of you.

You really don’t need to move your world upside down to have a nice, quiet, peaceful time that keeps you on the top of your life.

Just the right combination of a few changes can make you feel awesome about your life.

Create some Great Routines and stick to them

If you read the stuff above, you now can, chuck out the habits that are holding you back, and making your life difficult, and take on board some powerful supporting ones that help your life goals, and desires.

Install Empowering Habits 

You are free to disagree with me (until you try it and see the results yourself), but I believe that even a few destructive habits are enough to ruin the tranquility in your life, make you insane, and get you saying ‘I hate my life’.

Successful people are not directly dropped from the heavens. They have just perfected their systems to produce larger than most people do. They are the people of great habits.

The best news is that you too can learn great habits, and join the league.

Create a workable routine that supports your goals.

When it comes to living my days, I prefer 80/20 ratio.

I spend 80% of my waking hours doing things that are in alignment of my goals. That involves my fitness routines, self-care programs, creating content, reading, learning, coaching etc.

20% can be anything else I enjoy outside my work.

For me, that is reading a cheesy romantic fiction, watching a thriller movie, browsing internet, or seeing stuff on Pinterest.

If you like, you can adopt my way. Just make sure that time is precious. Invest it doing things that really matter, and lead to results that you truly want to see.

Follow your Routines like a shadow

Be consistent with following the routines you have set up for a minimum of 90 days.

You will find many nasty opportunities when one part of you will tell you:

“It’s okay to miss it for a day”.

But, please don’t get caught into that trap. Stick to what you need to do with wholehearted commitment.

If you really, and seriously have chosen to move from “I hate my Life” to “I love my Life” someday quite soon, apply the powerful six letter word “ACTION” in your EVERY SINGLE DAY.

If you follow what I cover in this post, you will soon be able to kill 'I hate my life' virus, and will be well on your path to fall in love with your life once again.

Now, I would love to hear from you.

Is life showing you its ugly face currently? What are you planning to do about it?

Have you experienced ‘I hate my life’ syndrome in the past? What did you do to come over that rough patch?

If you need help, schedule  a FREE NO-OBLIGATION 30 MINUTE CLARITY CALL with me.

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Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Multiple Global Award-Winning IT Business Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host of The Corporate Life. Featured in over 400 media channels worldwide, she helps CEOs and Founders of small IT businesses add $100K–$250K to their revenue in just 12 weeks.

    31 replies to "I hate my life: What to do when Life Sucks"

    • Carli

      These are great steps to take. Positive thinking and taking control are such important steps even in times where you don’t really hate your life.

      • Hina Siddiqui

        You’re right, Carli. We can take control of our life by thinking positive, right believing, and consistent action.

    • Cristy

      This is a great list and i am sure it will help so many people. I think we have all been there before, it is amazing what positive thinking can do for us.


      • Hina Siddiqui

        Thanks Cristy. Positive thinking backed with Positive Believing can create magic in our lives.

    • Kimmy Ripley

      I am really down in the dumps about my physical appearance at the age of 38. I am aging quick and my teeth do not look good and I want to get some new ones. This was a great, uplifting and inspirational post. Thank you!

      • Hina Siddiqui

        Thank you for finding value in this post Kimmy. I have seen that our physical appearance is often a reason of self doubt. I too have been there in the past, only to realize later that we all are gorgeous in our own ways.

    • Colleen

      I love Simon Sinek. I also like reminding myself that every decision I made and situationi experienced has led me to where I am now. I don’t know that I’ve truly ever hated my life, but I’ve certainly experienced things that brought me to my personal level of disgust, which triggered change.

      • Hina Siddiqui

        It takes a lot of courage to come out of disgust and adverse situations. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Colleen.

    • Natalie

      Thanks for these great reminders! Whenever I feel the uncertainty creep in, it always helps to remember all of the things that I have to be grateful for. Making a list in my journal let’s me read it over and over again.

      • Hina Siddiqui

        Thank you for sharing your insight Natalie. I believe that Gratitude is the first thing we must turn to, in any painful situation.

    • Msddah

      Such great tips on what to do when one is dissatisfied with life. Thanks for sharing.

      • Hina Siddiqui

        Thank you for your time to leave this lovely comment!!!

    • Hillary

      Positive thinking is definitely important and changes the actual makeup of your brain. I also think it’s beneficial to heal from things in your past that could be holding you back before you can move forward. Thanks for sharing!

    • Denise

      Right believing is the core foundation. Wow, those words are really speaking to me. I often tell myself that if I just think better, things will be better. I think I need to start thinking deeper now. Thank you!

      • Hina Siddiqui

        I too realized it hard way. And ever since I started working on my beliefs, things dramatically transformed.

    • I like your idea of listing everything you’re proud of. Alot of times we can get stuck in a negativity trap and filter out all the good things in our lives.

    • Jennifer Cannon

      For many years, my main focus was on everything that I wasn’t instead of focusing on the things that I was. Doing this held me back in so many ways.

      This post is so important! Thanks for sharing.

    • Jennifer Morrison

      Great post! I so agree that taking ownership of the challenges that you are facing, makes a huge difference in how you attack them, and focus on positive changes.

      • Hina Siddiqui

        Thank you, Jennifer. Yes. you are right. It does make a lot of difference .

    • Puistjes oosterhout

      This website was… how do you say it? Relevant!! Finally I have found something
      that helped me. Thanks a lot!

    • Bruce Ruffin

      You are right. I was in the same position. Always blaming others, bad work situation, and always complaining. Talk about a cycle. I finally cut-off the television, quit the complaining, and taking action. It makes all the difference in the world.

    • Huda

      These are super important tips to remember! Im sure we’ve always had moments of “i hate my life” no matter what the circumstances bt these tips help!

    • Kiara Carniewski

      AMAZING tips here, friend! I always struggle when I am in those particular seasons. However, I find myself trying more and more to focus on positivity and gratitude. These intentions help me stay grounded when I’m working toward solutions and changes in life.

    • These are fantastic tips that I have taught myself to use over the last few years! I used to hate life and think that I was destined to be miserable, and that I was personally “bad luck”. It’s sad to think of all the years I wasted being sad, but that is exactly what motivated me to make a change! By identifying the problems I had, making changes to them, and finding ways to deal with the things I cannot change, my overlook on life has completely changed. I’m now known by everyone as the person who is so happy that it borderlines being annoying, and I am a-okay with that 🙌

      • Hina Siddiqui

        That’s wonderful, Indya. It’s so important to identify pain areas and deal with our problems instead of making them a staying point.

    • Hina Siddiqui


    • Sexy Ass Cams

      You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something that I think I would never understand.
      It seems too complicated and extremely broad for me.
      I’m looking forward for your next post, I will try to get
      the hang of it!

    • CrazyFitnessGuy

      I had a lot of those days but i been journaling more taking breaks reading and relaxing. Thanks for your helpful tips

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