Whether you believe in God or not, you’d agree that this Universe is created with immense ultra intelligence. Scientists and Researchers certainly do a great job in understanding the hidden foundations and theories behind how things work, but no one can ever reach close.

Nature is much more disciplined than You and Me. So, everything is governed by astonishing and magical laws that work so seamlessly.

These mystical laws work everywhere.

Even in our Corporate World.

Let's accept it. Nature is much more powerful than our entire #human race. The #wisdom is to work with it, and NOT AGAINST IT.

Because we can’t defeat the infinite intelligence behind this creation.

To be able to work with it, we need to understand it to the extent we can.

Not with the mind, but with the being.

That was a little background. I know you want to know how you can use it for your ultimate corporate growth and prosperity .

Let me show you ONE POWERFUL Law of the Universe that you can instantly put into use. This has worked for me tremendously well.

By using this one, I could recreate my life which is too good to be true for a lot of you. My life is at its best, and whatever I want is always in my easy reach.

You are Responsible for your Corporate Life

You are Responsible for Everything that happens in your life.

If you are used to blaming people and situations for your problems, It might offend you!

But as as I always love to say that:

My Job as a Coach is not to please you but to challenge you.

Now you may ask me.

If my boss treats me like a shit, how am I responsible for it?

Yes. You are.

Your energy that’s made up of your 1) Thoughts, 2) Beliefs, 3) Emotions, and 4) Actions is causing that to happen to you.

Let me explain.

Everything in this universe is made of energy. Physics has proved it already.

“Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.”.

So, you are also a pile of energy vibrating at a certain frequency.

What will happen in your life (and corporate career :)), depends on what frequency you are vibrating on.

People call it “vibe”.

You must have heard of this popular statement - Your VIBE attracts your TRIBE.

Your tribe does not only mean the #people, but also the material things, situations and circumstances and everything that you experience.

When you blame and complain, your vibe goes low.

In fact, whenever you’re emotionally low, your frequency goes down, and you start attracting “not pleasant to terrible” things and experiences in your life.

Try it today if you don’t believe that.

See how you feel every time you raise a complaint, put blame, and indulge in any other negative situations and actions.

On the contrary, when you appreciate, feel good and grateful, you start vibrating at a higher frequency, and that’s what brings amazing things to you.

Everything that comes into our experience is a result of the shared memory that we need to clean.

I am currently doing a Ho’oponopono Healing Certification program by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len.

By the way, if you don’t know Ho'oponopono is a legendary Hawaiian healing and cleansing method, and focuses on healing through loving oneself.

Dr. Hew Len cured an entire ward of criminally mentally ill patients using the simple ancient Hawaiian healing method of Ho’oponopono.

He says that everything that comes into our experience is a result of the shared memory that we need to clean.

There’s nothing like Coincidence. This is a world of cause and effect.

Everything that is coming into your experience is your responsibility. No one ever gets what they don’t deserve and attract.

So, if you think that:

You are unappreciated at your workplace because of someone else’s sick attitude, then think again.

Why is it happening to you? Why is that coming into your experience again and again?

There’s something that you need to clear and cleanse within yourself to stop that happening.

Blaming, complaining and attacking people on Social Media or in your personal discussions will only magnify those problems that you are complaining about.

Now, it’s up to you. You want to be a part of the problem, or a part of the solution?

Potential Questions Answered

My manager does not value me. I feel unappreciated in my job despite working hard and giving my best.

Where in your life and career are you not appreciating yourself enough? When we don’t appreciate our job, our job does not appreciate us.

And do you appreciate your manager or boss enough? Do you try to understand them the way you want to be understood?

If not, then your frequency of unappreciation is being reflected back to you. Start appreciating everything about you, your life, and your job.

Try it just for 21 days and see how things change.

I am underpaid, and living paycheck to paycheck. How am I responsible for this?

How is your relationship with money? Do you doubt your financial situation? Do you fear staying underpaid even in the future? Do you think that money comes with hard work and struggle?

Or have you bought the concept of Rich V/s Poor?

If any one of the above is true, then your money mindset is responsible for this situation. You are operating on a frequency of lack, scarcity, and conflict.

Change the way you look and experience money, and you’ll be on your way.

My Employers promote the wrong people, what is it that I can do about this?

First, how are you so sure that they are the wrong people? It’s just a way to look at it that’s lowering your vibe.

Second, when we resist what’s happening, we give more power to what’s happening and it will keep coming into your experience.

If you want to fight a battle, go ahead. But “You V/s Them” is a situation of Conflict. It may quench your ego by raising a voice or even a movement, but you know what?

Your employers will keep promoting so-called ‘wrong people’ if people keep resisting it.

The best way is to accept it, and feel happy for those who are getting promoted.

Now I would love to hear from you.

What is your biggest challenge in your corporate life? Please share in the comments below.

Hina Siddiqui
Hina Siddiqui

Hina Siddiqui is a Global Award Winning Corporate Coach, Bestselling Author, and Podcast Host @the corporate life, featured by over 240 media channels globally. She is the creator of No-Hustle Profit Leap Framework, and guides CEOs, business owners, and top-level leaders of small to mid-level IT businesses in achieving a 25% increase in business revenue in just 12 weeks with No-Hustle Strategies.

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